Weapon Training NCC MCQ / Objective Quiz in English 2025 – 3

Ncc B exam Weapon Training mcq Objective questions and answers 2025, Ncc B certificate exam mcq questions and answers English 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq 2025, Ncc C certificate exam mcq questions 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq Objective questions 2024, Ncc mcq questions and answers 2024 English, Ncc c certificate mcq questions in Hindi, Ncc exam MCQ Weapon Training English Objective model question paper In English,

Ncc B exam Weapon Training mcq Objective questions and answers 2025, Ncc B certificate exam mcq questions and answers English 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq 2025, Ncc C certificate exam mcq questions 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq Objective questions 2024, Ncc mcq questions and answers 2024 English, Ncc c certificate mcq questions in Hindi, Ncc exam MCQ Weapon Training English Objective model question paper In English,

#1. Due to the safety catch or bolt not being in the right place, the rifle becomes ……….

#2. What is the weight of a .22 deluxe rifle?

#3. From what distance is the firing done in Short Range?

#4. Which of the following is not a good marksman’s quality?

#5. Rim / Rimless type of ammunition is fired from which weapon.

#6. Which of the following parts of the rifle does not have a number written on it?

#7. Which type of pressure is applied to the trigger?

#8. Which of the following are the drawbacks of SLR rifle.

#9. What is the distance at which the ammunition is kept from the butt during firing.

#10. Which finger is used to press the trigger correctly.

#11. Which of the following items are required for cleaning a rifle?

#12. The process of joining the fore-sight tip in a line in the middle of the firer’s eye aperture is called ……..

#13. How many parts does a .22 rifle have?

#14. In the firing range, the firers are divided into two groups. Name them.

#15. What is the full form of WT?

#16. What is the weight of a bullet of a .22 inch rifle.

#17. In how many groups are the firers divided on the firing range?

#18. What is the caliber of a .22 rifle?

#19. Which of the following rifles has 6 grooves in its barrel.

#20. 5.56 mm INSAS is manufactured by which country?

#21. Which of the following things should be kept in mind at the firing range.

#22. The false line formed by the firer’s eye, back sight aperture, fore-sight tip and point of aim is called ……….

#23. A flag of ………. colour is hoisted on the firing range.

#24. What is the size of the red flag used on the firing range?

#25. Which items are not required for cleaning a rifle?

#26. Which rifle has an effective range of 25 yards?

#27. What are the things that affect fire?

#28. Which of the following is not a type of firing?

#29. What is the weight of an SLR rifle with a loaded magazine.





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