Ncc B exam The NCC General mcq Objective questions and answers 2025, Ncc B certificate exam mcq questions and answers English 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq 2025, Ncc C certificate exam mcq questions 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq Objective questions 2024, Ncc mcq questions and answers 2024 English, Ncc c certificate mcq questions in Hindi, Ncc exam MCQ The NCC General zEnglish Objective model question paper In English,
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#1. Who was made the first Director of NCC.
#2. In which university was the first troop of ‘University Corps’ established.
#3. Where is the headquarters of ‘Uttar Pradesh NCC Directorate’ located.
#4. What is the highest rank in NCC?
#5. What does the sky blue stripe in the NCC flag represent?
#6. What is the rank of ANOs of Senior Division in NCC.
#7. What is the full form of UTC?
#8. Which flower represents NCC 17 Directorate in the NCC flag?
#9. Which of the following is not the Cardinal of NCC.
#10. Where is the headquarters of ‘Orissa NCC Directorate’ located.
#11. What does the red colour in the NCC flag represent.
#12. What does the dark blue stripe in the NCC flag represent?
#13. What is the song of NCC.
#14. What is the full form of ANO?
#15. Where is the headquarters of NCC located?
#16. How many directorates of NCC are there at present in the whole of India.
#17. Where is the ‘NCC Officer Training Academy’ located.
#18. Where is the headquarters of ‘Uttarakhand NCC Directorate’ located.
#19. Where is the headquarters of ‘West Bengal & Sikkim NCC Directorate’ located.
#20. Where is the ‘NCC Women Officer Training Academy’ located.
#21. What is the rank of CO Commanding Officer in NCC?
#22. In which year was NCC established?
#23. Where is the headquarters of ‘Rajasthan NCC Directorate’ located.
#24. Where is the headquarters of ‘Maharashtra NCC Directorate’ located?
#25. Under which ministry does NCC come?
#26. Under whose chairmanship was the ‘National Cadet Corps Committee’ established.
#27. What is the full form of NCC.
#28. What is the motto of NCC.
#29. Where is the headquarters of ‘Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh NCC Directorate’ located.
#30. Which of the following is not a rank of NCC.