National Integration NCC MCQ / Objective Quiz in English 2025 – 1

Ncc B exam National Integration mcq Objective questions and answers 2025, Ncc B certificate exam mcq questions and answers English 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq 2025, Ncc C certificate exam mcq questions 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq Objective questions 2024, Ncc mcq questions and answers 2024 English, Ncc c certificate mcq questions in Hindi, Ncc exam MCQ National Integration English Objective model question paper In English,

Ncc B exam National Integration mcq Objective questions and answers 2025, Ncc B certificate exam mcq questions and answers English 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq 2025, Ncc C certificate exam mcq questions 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq Objective questions 2024, Ncc mcq questions and answers 2024 English, Ncc c certificate mcq questions in Hindi, Ncc exam MCQ National Integration English Objective model question paper In English,


#1. When is republic day celebrated.

#2. What does the red, blue and sky blue stripes of the NCC flag represent.

#3. It is the language of Tamil Nadu.

#4. It is the capital of Uttar Pradesh.

#5. The name of the father of the nation of India is.

#6. What is the capital of Gujarat.

#7. The full form of NSG is.

#8. Who was the Indian first woman to climb Mount Everest.

#9. What does the lotus of the flag represent.

#10. It is the language of Jammu Kashmir.

#11. The headquarter of NCC is located in.

#12. There are directories of NCC in India.

#13. The first lady prime minister of India.

#14. The Paris of India is called.

#15. It is the language of Kerala.

#16. Who is called iron man of India.

#17. The full form of NDA is.

#18. How many Lotuses are there in the flag of NCC.

#19. It is the capital of Manipur.

#20. It is the language of Maharashtra.

#21. Was the first Muslim president of India

#22. It is the capital of Goa.

#23. The motto of NCC is.

#24. The full form of who is.

#25. The rank of DG NCC is.

#26. It is the capital of Madhya Pradesh.

#27. When was the constitution assembly implemented in India.

#28. How many union territories are there in India.

#29. The full form of NCC is.

#30. Switzerland of India is.

#31. Who was the first to establish NCC.

#32. Which policy did the British adopt in India.

#33. The full form of ICU is.

#34. What was the weight of Maharana Pratap’s spear.

#35. Gautam Buddha was the son of which king.

#36. It is the language of Andhra Pradesh.

#37. When was NCC established.

#38. How many states are there in India.

#39. Where is the salute of unity situated.





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