Ncc B exam Disaster Management mcq Objective questions and answers 2025, Ncc B certificate exam mcq questions and answers English 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq 2025, Ncc C certificate exam mcq questions 2025, Ncc A certificate exam mcq Objective questions 2024, Ncc mcq questions and answers 2024 English, Ncc c certificate mcq questions in Hindi, Ncc exam MCQ Disaster Management English Objective model question paper In English,

Excellent Try Next Time.#1. Tsunami is an example of …….. disaster
#2. Which of the following is a type of disaster?
#3. On receiving flood warning, all electrical equipment should be switched off…..?
#4. Which of the following is the name of fire fighting party?
#5. Radiation is controlled by the cover of ………… between fire and objects.
#6. How can NCC cadets help in disaster?
#7. Heavy rain is an example of …….. disaster.
#8. War is an example of a ……. disaster.
#9. Which of the following is not the way to control panic?
#10. …..….Fire does not burn in the absence of which?
#11. Which of the following is a natural disaster.
#12. How many types of disasters are there?
#13. Who is responsible for disaster management at the district level?
#14. Earthquake is an example of………. disaster
#15. Bomb blast is an example of………. disaster.
#16. Terrorist activities are an example of ………. disaster.
#17. Name the types of civil defence services from the following.
#18. National Civil Defence College is located in ……..
#19. How can NCC cadets help the civil administration during peace time.
#20. ‘National Institute of Disaster Management’ is located in……..
#21. Which of the following is not an example of man-made disaster.
#22. What is the full form of NDRF?
#23. Which of the following is a fire extinguishing equipment?
#24. Removing goods from damaged buildings is the responsibility of….. service?
#25. Which of the following is not an example of natural disaster.
#26. Which of the following are essential services?
#27. Tell the role of NCC cadet during flood.
#28. Which of the following is not a type of fire fighting party?
#29. What are the huge waves generated by earthquakes inside the sea called?