Supporting Services Role & Tasks in INDIAN ARMY | NCC B And C Exam – 2024


1.Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Role & Tasks. The major role of EME is repair, recovery and maintenance of all vehicles, arms,

electrical, electronic and mechanical equipment.

2.Army Service Corps

Role & Tasks. ASC is responsible for: –

(a) The supply and provision of ration to the Army during peace and war.

(b) To provide fuel oil and lubricants to the entire Army.

(c) To provide transport for conveyance of troops during movement.

(d) Transportation of heavy equipment and machineries including ammunition during war.

3. Army Medical Corps

 Role & Tasks. It provides medical facilities during war as well as in peace stations to troops and their


4. Army Dental Corps

 Role & Tasks. This Corps provides dental hygiene and treatment to the soldiers.

5. Military Nursing Service

Role & Tasks. They provide nursing and care to the sick and wounded army personnel.

6. Army Ordinance Corps

 Role & Tasks – It is responsible to provide equipment support to the Army during war & peace which

are not the responsibility of ASC, AMC and that of ENGINEERS.

7. Remount and Veterinary Corps

 Role & Tasks –  It deals with caring and training of animals. It is employed with Army Supply Corps

for transportations of Weapons, ammunitions, explosives, stores in forward area where vehicles cannot be employed economically.

8. Military Farms

 Role & Tasks – They provide the Indian Army with dairy products and fodder for the animals

maintained by the Army.

9. Army Education Corps

 Role & Tasks –  AEC is responsible for imparting Military & Civil education to troops which helps them in passing promotion exams required in their career and profession. They impart higher education to JCOs and NCOs.

10. Corps of Military Police

Role & Tasks – Its role is to provide security to Army personnel and their families and maintain law

and order in the Army area. It also helps in movement of men, material and vehicles during peace or war.

11. Judge Advocate General Branch

Role & Tasks – Deals with Justice System and legal matters relating to all Arms, Services and

branches of the Armed Forces.

12. Military Engineering Services

Role & Tasks– They are responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of all works,

buildings, airfields, dock installations and also with accessory services for the Army.

13. Border Roads Organisation

 Role & Tasks – Their main purpose is to create national highways, airfields, buildings and bridges.

14. Army Pioneer Corps

Role & Tasks – Civilian labour is either not available or it is not required for security reasons. The

Pioneer Corps provides disciplined and well trained manpower for load carriage. They are mostly committed in operational areas during war.

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