Health and Hygiene NCC MCQ English Notes – 8


Q.1 Rickets disease is caused by the deficiency of which vitamin?
a) Vitamin B
b) Vitamin K
c) Vitamin D ✅
d) Vitamin A

Q.2 Which disease is caused by mosquitoes?
a) Malaria ✅
b) TB
c) Diabetes
d) Blood pressure

Q.3 Spinach leaves contain the highest amount of which?
a) Carbohydrates
b) Vitamins
c) Iron ✅
d) Fats

Q.4 Which part of the body is affected by the Covid-19 virus?
a) Liver
b) Lung ✅
c) Stomach
d) Small intestine

Q.5 Which vitamin is found in lemon?
a) Vitamin B
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin K
d) Vitamin C ✅

Q.6 Which of the following is useful in the treatment of scurvy?
a) Amla ✅
b) Mango
c) Plum
d) Papaya

Q.6 How many bones are there in a human body?
a) 50
b) 300
c) 500
d) 206 ✅

Q.8 Which of the following is the highest source of Vitamin A?
a) Rice
b) Brinjal
c) Carrot ✅
d) Lemon

Q.9 Which vitamin gets washed away by washing peeled vegetables?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin C ✅
c) Vitamin B
d) Vitamin E

Q.10 How many bones are there in a paw?
a) 5 ✅
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40

Q.11 How many hours should a healthy person sleep in a day?
a) 9-10
b) 12-14
c) 20
d) 6-8 ✅

Q.12 Which disease is caused by lack of blood in the body.
a) Anemia ✅
b) Malaria
c) Beri Beri
d) Diabetes

Q.13 Diseases caused by contaminated water are.
a) Diabetes
b) Jaundice ✅
c) Dengue
d) Malaria

Q.14 How many types of blood groups are there.
a) 5 types
b) 6 types
c) 4 types ✅
d) 8 types

Q.15 In which is the maximum protein found.
a) Soybean ✅
b) Black gram
c) Gram
d) Peas

Q.16 Which of the following comes under personal hygiene?
a) All of the above ✅
b) Nail cleaning
c) Teeth cleaning
d) Hair cleaning

Q.17 Which disease is caused by deficiency of Vitamin A?
a) Beriberi
b) Night blindness ✅
c) Rickets
d) Diabetes

Q.18 Tell me the methods of purifying water?
a) Boiling
b) Disinfection
c) By purifier
d) All of the above ✅

Q.19 What is not present in a first aid kit?
a) Pistol ✅
b) Cotton roll
c) Adhesive tape
d) Bandage

Q.20 In which of the following substances protein is not found?
a) Pulses
b) Meat
c) Rice ✅
d) Milk

Q.21 What elements are present in a balanced diet?
a) All of the above ✅
b) Calcium
c) Carbohydrates
d) Protein

Q.22 What are the characteristics of good health?
a) Good sleep
b) Feeling of well-being
c) All of the above ✅
d) Strong mental attitude

Q.23 Which vitamin is found in citrus fruits?
A. Vitamin C ✅
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin K

Q.24 Deficiency of which vitamin causes bleeding from gums?
A. Vitamin E
B. Vitamin K
C. Vitamin C ✅
D. Vitamin D

Q.25 Which of the following vitamins is best for eyes?
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin B
D. Vitamin A ✅

Q.26 Which vitamin is obtained from sunlight?
A. Vitamin D ✅
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin K

Q.27 Which disease is caused due to lack of hemoglobin.

A. Beriberi
B. Ricketts
C. Anemia ✅
D. Rabies

Q.28 Which vaccine is given in case of injury.

A. Insulin
B. Tetanus ✅
C. Covid-19
D. None of these

Q.29 Which disease is caused by a mad dog bite.

A. Rabies ✅
B. Beriberi
C. Anemia
D. Jaundice

Q.30 Which vaccine is given in case of snake bite.

A. Malaria
B. Insulin
C. Covid-19
D. Anti-venom ✅

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