Environment Awareness & Conservation ncc mcq Notes English|NCC b mcq exam 2025|ncc c mcq exam paper 2025|ncc c exam paper pdf 2025

Q.1 The increase in the average temperature of the earth due to the increase in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases is called …….
A. Acid rain
B. Ozone layer
C. Global warming ✅
D. All of the above

Q.2 Diesel is an example of …… resource.
A. Renewable
B. Non-renewable ✅
C. Chemical
D. Industrial

Q.3 ………… These are the resources which are formed very slowly and which are not formed naturally in the environment.
A. Renewable resources
B. Global warming
C. Temperature
D. Non-renewable resources ✅

Q.4 Write the measures to control noise pollution.
A. All of the above ✅
B. Keep the volume of TV and music resources low at home
C. Do not use loudspeakers
D. Do not play bands and firecrackers in weddings

Q.5 Today …….. is an essential and unavoidable requirement.
A. Environment
B. Waste Management ✅
C. Temperature
D. Human Management

Q.6 Which components are included in ‘Electronic Waste’.
A. Refrigerator, Mobile Phone
B. Telephone, Computer
C. Air Conditioner, TV
D. All of the above ✅

Q.7 Write measures to control air pollution.
A. Plant trees
B. Do not burn garbage, throw it at the designated place
C. All of the above ✅
D. Follow all the laws related to air pollution

Q.8 ……… takes the rain falling on the roof to a storage tank through a system of pipes.
A. Rainwater Harvesting
B. Environment
C. Global Warming
D. Rooftop Water Catchment System ✅

Q.9 Any undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological quality of land which affects humans and other organisms or which destroys the quality and utility of the land is called ……….
A. Land pollution ✅
B. Water pollution
C. Air pollution
D. Noise pollution

Q.10 Petrol is an example of …….. resource.
A. Non-renewable ✅
B. Renewable
C. Environment
D. Temperature

Q.11 What is the full form of UV light.
A. Under Light
B. Ultraviolet Light ✅
C. Upper Light
D. Ultra Light

Q.12 When the fertile soil on the surface of the land is destroyed due to the movement of wind or water, then this process is called ………..
A. Temperature
B. Soil erosion ✅
C. Global warming
D. All of the above

Q.13 Plants, animals and physical environment are collectively called ………..
A. Environment
B. Balance
C. Ecosystem ✅
D. Biological

Q.14 How can you play a role in environmental protection?
A. Recycling industrial waste
B. Making proper use of renewable resources
C. Preserving all bio-forms
D. All of the above ✅

Q.15 If the acidity in rain water is more than normal, it is called ………….
A. Global warming
B. Acid rain ✅
C. Ozone layer
D. Resource depletion

Q.16 Air is a mixture of various gases in which the amount of nitrogen is ………. percent.
A. 78 ✅
B. 90
C. 40
D. 20

Q.17 …………. These are the resources which can be replenished naturally.
A. Non-renewable resources
B. Environment
C. Renewable resources ✅
D. Global warming

Q.18 Which of the following are the causes of water pollution.
A. Industrial development
B. Detergent development
C. Pesticides
D. All of the above ✅

Q.19 All living beings including flora, fauna, mankind and their associated physical environment are called ……..
A. Environment ✅
B. Chemical
C. Conservation
D. Ozone layer

Q.20 Wind energy is a …….. resource.
A. Non-renewable
B. Renewable ✅
C. Man-made
D. All of the above

Q.21 That part of the actual resource which can be developed profitably in future is called ……….
A. International resources
B. National resources
C. Reserve resources ✅
D. None of the above

Q.22 ……. is a very important and valuable resource for the survival of mankind.
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Temperature
D. Water ✅

Q.23 …….. means collecting rainwater flowing in your home, village, town or city.
A. Global warming
B. Ozone layer
C. Rainwater harvesting ✅
D. Air pollution

Q.24 When was the Wildlife protection act made.
A. 1972 ✅
B. 1999
C. 1960
D. 2008

Q.25 Which of the following are types of garbage.
A. All of the above ✅
B. Solid Waste, biomedical Waste
C. Liquid Waste, municipal solid waste
D. Radioactive waste, e-waste

Q.26 The ultraviolet radiation of the sun is filtered by the …….. present in the stratosphere.
A. Acid rain
B. Ozone layer ✅
C. Global warming
D. Deforestation

Q.27 Global warming is a phenomenon associated with the increase of ……. on the earth.
A. Pollution
B. Temperature ✅
C. Resources
D. All of the above

Q.28 …….resources are those which have been surveyed but cannot be used by organisms due to lack of technology.
A. Renewable resources
B. Geographical resources
C. Stock resources ✅
D. None of the above

Q.29 Air, water, sunlight are examples of …….resources.
A. Non-renewable resources
B. Temperature
C. Renewable resources ✅
D. Atmosphere

Q.30 The ozone layer protects us from …….. A. Air
B. Ultraviolet rays ✅
C. Water
D. Pollution

Q.31 The ozone layer is a very thin layer of ozone gas in the stratosphere region of the atmosphere at a height of ……. km from the earth’s surface.
A. 20-30 ✅
B. 40-50
C. 70-80
D. 90-100

Q.32 ……….. is that branch of biology in which the interaction of a living community with its environment is studied.
A. Ecology ✅
B. Pollution
C. Consumer
D. Environment

Q.33 When the intensity of sound increases, it becomes unpleasant to the ears. The presence of this undesirable or high intensity sound in the atmosphere is called …..
A. Air pollution
B. Water pollution
C. Noise pollution ✅
D. Land pollution

Q.34 Which of the following are the sources of pollution.
A. Chemical industry
B. Oil refinery
C. Plastic industry
D. All of the above ✅

Q.35 In how many parts are natural resources classified?
A. 8 parts
B. 2 parts ✅
C. 15 parts
D. 10 parts

Q.36 Which of the following causes global warming?
A. Burning fossil fuels, farming
B. All of the above ✅
C. Clearing of forests, industrial revolution
D. Traffic pollution

Q.37 Solar energy is a …… resource.
A. Non-renewable
B. Industrial
C. Renewable ✅
D. Chemical

Q.38 Any undesirable change in any element of the environment, which has an adverse effect on the living world, is called ……..

A. Pollution ✅
B. Environment
C. Sun
D. Atmosphere

Q.39 ……. This will stop soil erosion and also increase the amount of good gases in the environment.
A. Water Harvesting
B. Balance
C. Environment
D. Afforestation ✅

Q.40 When was ‘Project Tiger’ launched.
A. 1973-74 ✅
B. 1998-99
C. 1945-46
D. 1957-58

Q.41 How can NCC cadets play a role in saving natural resources.
A. Not using plastic
B. Not polluting water
C. Not cutting trees
D. All of the above ✅

Q.42 ……… is a gift from nature to mankind.
A. Plastic
B. Natural resources ✅
C. Carbon dioxide
D. All of the above

Q.43 When was Project Elephant started.
A. March 2024
B. February 1992 ✅
C. January 2008
D. December 1998

Q.44 How many types of pollution are there.
A. 10 types
B. 4 types ✅
C. 8 types
D. 12 types

Q.45 Air is a mixture of different gases in which the amount of oxygen is ……… percent.
A. 80
B. 46
C. 21 ✅
D. 98

Q.46 When is World Environment Day celebrated.
A. 21 March
B. 22 July
C. 5 June ✅
D. 13 February

Q.47 Which of the following is not a cause of land pollution.
A. Drains coming out of the house
B. Domestic waste
C. Planting trees ✅
D. Industrial and mine waste

Q.48 Excessive amount of ……….. in the atmosphere is also a major cause of pollution.
A. Carbon dioxide ✅
B. Sun
C. Temperature
D. Environment

Q.49 ……… This method is used to store rainwater for later use.
A. Acid rain
B. Water harvesting ✅
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Oxygen

Q.50 ………… refers to the collection, transportation, processing or disposal, management and monitoring of waste materials.
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Human management
C. Waste management ✅
D. Wildlife

Q.51 ……… are those which are present in an area and can be used in the future.
A. Potential resources ✅
B. Chemical resources
C. Industrial resources
D. None of these

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