North, South, East and West are known as the cardinal points. If the North point is taken as zero degrees, East will be 90, South will be 180 and the West point forms an angle of 270 In addition to four Cardinal Points and four intermediate four major directions, there are eight minor directions. The names and degrees are as under

Cardinal Point | Abbreviation | Azimuth Degrees |
North | N | 0.00° |
North by East | NbE | 11.25° |
North-Northeast | NNE | 22.50° |
Northeast by North | NEbN | 33.75° |
Northeast | NE | 45.00° |
Northeast by East | NEbE | 56.25° |
East-Northeast | ENE | 67.50° |
East by North | EbN | 78.75° |
East | E | 90.00° |
East by South | EbS | 101.25° |
East-Southeast | ESE | 112.50° |
Southeast by East | SEbE | 123.75° |
Southeast | SE | 135.00° |
Southeast by South | SEbS | 146.25° |
South-Southeast | SSE | 157.50° |
South by East | SbE | 168.75° |
South | S | 180.00° |
South by West | SbW | 191.25° |
South-Southwest | SSW | 202.50° |
Southwest by South | SWbS | 213.75° |
Southwest | SW | 225.00° |
Southwest by West | SWbW | 236.25° |
West-Southwest | WSW | 247.50° |
West by South | WbS | 258.75° |
West | W | 270.00° |
West by North | WbN | 281.25° |
West-Northwest | WNW | 292.50° |
Northwest by West | NWbW | 303.75° |
Northwest | NW | 315.00° |
Northwest by North | NWbN | 326.25° |
North-Northwest | NNW | 337.50° |
North by West | NbW | 348.75° |