Border And Coastal Areas NCC MCQ English Notes – 10


Q.1 The coastline of Kerala state is known by which name.

A. Coromandel Coast

B. Konkan Coast

C. Malabar Coast ✅

D. Central Coast

Q.2 The border line between India and China is called as……….

A. Radcliffe Line

B. Mc Mohan Line ✅

C. Durand Line

D. None of these

Q.3 India shares land border with………how many countries.

A. 9 countries

B. 10 countries

C. 12 countries

D. 7 countries ✅

Q.4 Which state has the longest coastline?

A. Gujarat ✅

B. Tamil Nadu

C. Maharashtra

D. Andhra Pradesh

Q.5 Bhutan shares………border with the Indian state of West Bengal.
A. 240 km
B. 183 km ✅
C. 120 km
D. 113 km

Q.6 The coastline of Tamil Nadu state is ………how many kilometers long.
A. 2000 km
B. 5000 km
C. 1076 km ✅
D. 900 km

Q.7 Which country borders India in the north-west?
A. Bangladesh
B. Nepal
C. Bhutan
D. Pakistan ✅

Q.8 Myanmar shares its border with ………how many states of India?
A. 5 states
B. 4 states ✅
C. 6 states
D. 7 states

Q.9 The coastline of Kerala state is ………the longest coastline.
A. First
B. Fifth ✅
C. Second
D. Third

Q.10 Out of the following, which of the following states of India shares its border with Pakistan?

A. Gujarat, Rajasthan
B. Punjab
C. Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh
D. All of the above ✅

Q.11 The coastline of West Bengal state is ………how many kilometers long?

A. 190 km
B. 158 km ✅
C. 700 km
D. 430 km

Q.12 Which country borders India in the east?

A. Afghanistan
B. Nepal
C. Bangladesh and Myanmar ✅
D. Bhutan

Q.13 The state of Gujarat is surrounded by ………which coastline?

A. Hindi Sagar
B. Arabian Sea ✅
C. Pacific Ocean
D. Atlantic Ocean

Q.14 The coastline of Odisha state is ………how many kilometers long?

A. 485 km ✅
B. 910 km
C. 1300 km
D. 1285 km

Q.15 Which of the following states of India shares its border with Myanmar.
A. Mizoram
B. All of the above ✅
C. Manipur
D. Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh

Q.16 The coastline of Tamil Nadu state is known as ……….
A. Rameswaram Coast
B. Coromandel Coast ✅
C. Central Coast
D. Porbandar Coast

Q.17 Which country shares its border with ……… India in the north.
A. China, Afghanistan ✅
B. Myanmar
C. Pakistan
D. Bangladesh

Q.18 How many ……… states of India share their coastline.
A. 20 states
B. 9 states ✅
C. 15 states
D. 6 states

Q.19 Gujarat state has how many……… kilometers of coastline.

A. 1500 km
B. 2000 km
C. 4000 km
D. 1600 km ✅

Q.20 The coastline of Orissa state is known by which……… name.

A. Utkal Plain ✅
B. Karakoram Coast
C. Malabar Coast
D. Konkan Coast

Q.21 During peace time they do not allow the movement of military aircraft and if such violation occurs then it is called ………….

A. Demarcation
B. International level
C. Air violation ✅
D. Historical violation

Q.22 India shares how many ……… kilometers of border with Afghanistan.

A. 200 km
B. 106 km ✅
C. 208 km
D. 699 km

Q.23 The coastline of ……..state is the second longest coastline of India.
A. Tamil Nadu ✅
B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Gujarat
D. Maharashtra

Q.24 The coastline of Karnataka state is how many……… kilometers long.
A. 300 km ✅
B. 400 km
C. 415 km
D. 500 km

Q.25 India shares its longest border with ………. country.
A. China
B. Bangladesh ✅
C. Pakistan
D. Afghanistan

Q.26 The coastline of Andhra Pradesh state is ……… the longest coastline.
A. Fourth
B. First
C. Fifth
D. Third ✅

Q.27 The coastline of Andhra Pradesh state is how many……… kilometers long.
A. 400 km
B. 800 km
C. 1150 km
D. 972 km ✅

Q.28 India shares how many kilometers of ……… border with Bangladesh.

A. 8200 km
B. 4120 km
C. 4156 km ✅
D. 920 km

Q.29 How many ……… major ports are there on the coastline of Orissa state.

A. 1 ✅
B. 22
C. 34
D. 45

Q.30 How many ……… coastline does Maharashtra state have.

A. 400 km
B. 900 km
C. 720 km ✅
D. 500 km

Q.31 Bhutan shares border with how many ……… states of India.
A. 4 states ✅
B. 8 states
C. 9 states
D. 10 states

Q.32 The coastline of Maharashtra state is known by which……… name.

A. Coromandel Coast
B. Konkan Coast ✅
C. Central Coast
D. Emerald Delta Coast

Q.33 How many……… kilometers of coastline does Kerala state have?

A. 400 km
B. 950 km
C. 710 km
D. 590 km ✅

Q.34 The coastline of Karnataka is known by which……… name.

A. Kanara Coast ✅
B. Konkan Coast
C. Malabar Coast
D. All of the above

Q.35 How many……… border lines does India have with Bhutan?
A. 920 km
B. 699 km ✅
C. 340 km
D. 1200 km

Q.36 Which state in India has the shortest coastline………?
A. Goa ✅
B. Karnataka
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Kerala

Q.37 How many……… kilometers is the coastline of Goa state?
A. 131 km ✅
B. 122 km
C. 300 km
D. 400 km

Q.38 How many……… borders does Assam state share with Bhutan?
A. 420 km
B. 340 km
C. 267 km ✅
D. 412 km

Q.39 What is the boundary line between India and Pakistan called…?
A. McMahon Line
B. Durand Line
C. Radcliffe Line ✅
D. All of the above

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